Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below are continuously updated to reflect reoccurring questions from our members and citizens.
Feel free to contact us directly by clicking on each category header to request further information or call us at (217) 422-2200.
We will point you in the right direction.
Communication & Public Relations
What is an e-blast? An e-blast, or e-mail message sent to many recipients, is our preferred method of distribution to keep everyone on our list up to date with local events, programs, and communique that may interest the business community. The chamber maintains frequent communication with more than 2,500 active members and engaged citizens throughout the community.
Can I send an e-blast to your members? While we never sell or provide e-mail addresses of the people within our distribution list, we do offer chamber members the opportunity to send a marketing flyer (8.5x11) on behalf of your organization to promote something that aligns with our mission. The cost is $250 and must be approved by a chamber staff member at least five days prior to the scheduled date to send.
When should a media interview be arranged? The chamber president will accommodate media requests for a live or pre-recorded interview to highlight the positive happenings within our county. Please contact us at least three days in advance to ensure schedule availability. We can also help find another qualified spokesperson who takes interest in speaking about a specific local business topic.
How do I post to the chamber website? The chamber website continues to receive thousands of hits each month. As a chamber member, you have direct access to post events, news releases, job postings, advertisements, and many other options to provide exposure to your business. Click "Member Login" at the top-right of our site and explore the features within the Member Information Center. If you do not know your username or password, click here to have it reset - and feel free to contact us for a quick tutorial on how to most effectively use this space.
How do I register for an event? It's easy to register using the chamber website. Every chamber member is allowed access to the Member Information Center, which is an online portal to connect with other members, pay dues, update account information, and register for events. To login, click "Member Login" link at the top-right of our site. Find the event in the calendar and choose "register now", then simply choose the attendees and your preferred payment option. If there is a fee associated with the event, you can choose to pay in advance, at the door, or be invoiced at a later date.
Can my business sponsor an event? Sponsoring an event is a great way to showcase your business to some of the areas top community supporters and business professionals. The chamber offers many sponsorship opportunities throughout the year and will work with you to determine the best fit based on your budget and sponsorship goals.
How do I pay membership dues? The simplest way to pay dues is to set up an ACH payment schedule so we can deduct the payments automatically. Membership dues should be paid at the beginning of each fiscal year (July 1) and can be paid all at once or quarterly. The chamber also accepts online payments through the Member Information Center, onsite payments at the chamber headquarters, checks sent by mail, or by phone using a credit card. Click here to notify us if you would like to change how your payments are processed.
What are the benefits of a membership? The chamber is your business partner, committed to assisting in growing your business. We're proud to offer countless opportunities for helping find new contracts, connecting you with people who will support your venture, providing programs to enhance growth and development, and lending a collective voice to ensure a pro-business environment at the local, state, and federal level. While member benefits are varied and individualized, click here to read how your organization can partner with the chamber to help your business and our community move forward.
What does a membership cost? There are three different membership levels. A bronze membership is $275 per year, a silver membership is $585 per year, and a gold membership is $1,095 per year. Our fiscal year is July 1 through June 20th and dues are pro-rated throughout the year, so feel free to join at any time. If your organization is interested in becoming a Chamber Business Partner, recognized at all of our functions throughout the year, contact us to discuss your level of involvement.
What kind of programs does the chamber offer for my organization? We provide programs and professional services that contribute to business growth, human performance, and member cost-savings. Some are offered as periodic open-enrollment programs, while others can be customized to meet the individual needs of members. We have a highly experienced Certified Business Coach who can help you, your team, and your business close the gap between: innovation and stagnation; growth and decline; inspiration and desperation; and your current situation and desired future.
Who should I contact to submit a complaint on a member business? The Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce is a membership driven organization that contributes to the economic vitality within our community. We do not set standards on how each member conducts business and we will not contact a member to discuss customer complaints. We recommend contacting a supervisor at the business or organization to discuss improvements in customer satisfaction. If further escalation is desired, consider contacting the Better Business Bureau of Central Illinois to formally submit a suggestion.
Who should I contact for more information about living in Decatur? The chamber is happy to discuss your relocation and send information about our community. There are also several other organizations that can also help in your transition: City of Decatur | Decatur City Limitless | Decatur Convention & Visitors Bureau | Economic Development Corporation of Decatur & Macon County